You have the KNOWLEDGE.

TOGETHER, We can make A DIFFERENCE through our language educators.

Become a Contributor – Guidelines

Targeted Audience and Scope of Content

“Language Educators Assemble” upholds the mission in supporting our language educators by producing content on selected topics that are useful in informing teaching and learning practices. Language educators, as defined in this website, includes the following:

  • Language Teacher with ClassLANGUAGE TEACHERS/TUTORS (CURRENT AND ASPIRING), regardless of whether they are facing a large group of students in an educational institution, or small group of students or even individuals in private settings
  • Language TextbookCURRICULUM PLANNERS AND INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNERS who are planning curriculum or creating resources to support language learning;
  • conversation, parentsPARENTS who are actively teaching their children language(s).

The range of topics can be found under the categories in our blog archive, where we have brief introduction to the category. That should guide your choice of content if you are interested to become a contributor. Do contextualise your article for our language educators as much as possible, especially if there are suggestions on specific practices.

We do allow contributors to add marketing-related links if they are relevant to the topic or subject in question, and if you are not the main seller of those products/services. However, you do have to provide a disclosure disclaimer that you are including such links in the article. No self-promotion unless you are using it as a story or an example in the article with relevance.

Submission and Publishing Process

Before you dive in to write your article, please do contact us and send in your draft proposal with the suggested title and the content draft overview. This would give us an opportunity to review if you are contributing content that is aligned with the mission of the website, and not impose too much of a load on you right at the outset. If you have already written the article (e.g. as part of your blog), you can still submit since the work has been done.

If your draft proposal has been reviewed to be suitable, you may proceed to write as planned.

Please email your written article to us in word format. We would also seek your endorsement on licensing to protect yourself as well as the website. We would then make editorial edits to the article to align with the formatting on our website. Your endorsement would be sought prior to publishing.


Your article should be original and no plagiarism is tolerated. You can, of course, refer to different sources as part of your research to write the article (academic researchers do it too!). Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with links to the sources. Include the relevant references as part of the article, even if they are not directly quoted/paraphrased.

We also welcome re-publishing articles you have written (e.g. in research journals, on your blog) if they are relevant to the mission of the website. Please email us with a link to the article/post and provide us with confirmation that the original author of the article/post is indeed yourself. We do not accept third-party submissions.

Language and Formatting

Our website caters to an international audience. As such, only English articles are accepted.

Some particular guidelines for your reference:

  • Use short paragraphs (as much as possible), subheadings, and/or bullet lists to break up your article for easier reading.
  • Proofread your article before submitting it to us. Make sure to check your spelling and grammar.
  • There is no minimum length, but we recommend at least 800 words for decent depth and detail.
  • Your article should be written in a friendly, conversational voice/tone that’s less formal and more approachable (think as though you are engaging in a conversation with your readers).

Media Objects

We welcome an accompanying image that represents the content you are contributing though it is not a requirement. If you do intend to provide this image, it should be attributed (provide image source URL), be less than 2MB and sent in PNG format.

Please do not upload videos as part of your article. If you need to use videos as support for illustration of details in your article, please host the video elsewhere (e.g. Youtube) and embed as a link within the article.

Do ensure that the media objects you are submitting as part of the article are all properly licensed for editing and publishing at our website (e.g. we may edit based on the formatting in our website). Any form of copyright infringement will not be tolerated.

As a contributor, you are welcome to link your article on our website to your blog/website/social media accounts. We would also appreciate if you can link back to us on your blog/website/social media accounts so that we can grow together.

Author bio guidelines

Please do also include a short biography (not more than 100 words) about yourself. You can include links to your blog/website/social media accounts in the author bio.

Please include a clear, closeup headshot of yourself, at least 100×100 pixels, JPG or PNG format. (show example).

Where relevant, please include a preferred title (usually professional title but may also be crafted in relation to your article) to be displayed with your name (e.g. John Doe, Linguistics Researcher, University of Blogging). If you prefer not to have a title with your name, please feel free to let us know too.

If you are keen to become a contributor on a long term, please also let us know if you would like to appear under “Our Contributors” Page.

Intellectual Property Ownership and Rights

You would still own the IP rights to your article (e.g. you can edit and re-publish the article elsewhere). However, your submission would unequivocally mean that you have granted “Language Educators Assemble” (this website) a perpetual licence of use based on the following permissible actions:

  • we can edit and re-format the article for publication;
  • we can publish or re-publish the article, in full or in parts, on the website and social media accounts related to the website;
  • we can enable sharing of links to the article in readers’ social media accounts; and
  • we can use the article with no rights reserved.

If for any reason you would like to have the article removed from the website and social media accounts after publishing, please contact us for a discussion. Under usual circumstances, we would accede to the request and we would discuss further if there are reasons for non-removal.

If the website were to re-publish your article after its agreed publishing, while we have the licence to do so, we will still try to keep you informed and take into consideration your preferences before the re-publication.

Your submission is also taken to assume that you either own or have obtained all the permission and rights to publish the content, media objects, and everything you have submitted for our website. Our website will not be responsible if any copyright infringement is found in your submitted article.

Ready to get started?

We know you are passionate about supporting our language educators. Join us in making a difference to language education, one starfish at a time.

Contact us with your proposal and become a contributor to language education!