Confronting “Grammar Nazis”: 5 Reasons why LANGUAGE POLICING Backfires
Is LANGUAGE POLICING effective in achieving its goals? Discover five reasons why it can backfire in this article.
Language education does not happen in a vacuum and is shaped by larger systemic forces, with profound impact on institutional and individual choices. This category of articles sheds light on the impact of policies and economics on language education, and how we can reconsider our choices and practices in an enlightened mode.
Is LANGUAGE POLICING effective in achieving its goals? Discover five reasons why it can backfire in this article.
Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Policies and Economics
Should bilingual kids separate languages or mix them? This spotlight presents a study which explores family language policies, revealing diverse approaches and surprising inconsistencies.
Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Policies and Economics
Achieving linguistic harmony in multilingual families begins with a well-planned FAMILY LANGUAGE POLICY that balances cultural identity and communication. Learn what it is, why it matters, and different major types as informed by experts.
Policies and Economics, Psychology and Neuroscience
Don’t fall victim to SURVIVORSHIP BIAS in language teaching! Learn how to tackle this logical error that can sabotage our language teaching approaches.
Policies and Economics, Sociolinguistics
Explore the model of language policy by Bernard Spolsky with a focus on relevance for language education.