Language Educators Assemble » About Language Educators Assemble


You are SEEKING BREAKTHOUGHS as a language educator. I am here to SUPPORT you.


Policies and practices in language education can be based on sound principles informed by research. Anyone working or interested in language education can also benefit from deeper understanding of the interdisciplinary issues surrounding language education. However, we understand how challenging it could be for individual language educators to deep dive into the ocean of academic research and to pursue this understanding, due to factors such as time and accessibility.

As such, I started this website in 2022 with a mission to build a knowledge hub for language educators around the globe, where we can learn and grow together as a community. I am a language educator based in Singapore. Whenever I had the opportunity to engage with fellow language educators from overseas, I could always gain new knowledge alongside fresh perspectives and inspiration into the work that I do. My aspiration is to grow and sustain such opportunities for all language educators worldwide through this platform.

LANGUAGE EDUCATORS ASSEMBLE aims to support our language educators by producing content on selected topics that are useful in informing our teaching and learning practices. I also envision a future where this website can develop into a thriving community to build on our collective wisdom and repertoire in supporting individual language educators around the world. At the centre of it all, I am on a mission to make a difference to language education through our language educators.


I have adopted a broad definition of “language educators” in this website, for I believe that all individuals who are involved in the process of teaching languages and seeking to enhance their approaches should be included. We make a difference to the lives of our learners, and we should seek all the support that we have to do so in a sustainable way.


Primarily for:

  • Language Teacher with ClassLANGUAGE TEACHERS/TUTORS (CURRENT AND ASPIRING), regardless of whether you are facing a large group of students in an educational institution, or a small group of students or even individuals in private settings
  • Language TextbookCURRICULUM PLANNERS AND INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNERS who are planning curriculum or creating resources to support language learning;
  • conversation, parentsPARENTS who are actively teaching your children language(s).

Also good for:

  • admin work, administratorsADMINISTRATORS AND POLICYMAKERS interfacing with issues in language education;
  • research, searchRESEARCHERS seeking to share research findings and work with different stakeholders;
  • mature learnersMATURE STUDENTS who are self-directed in learning languages to have a better appreciation of these issues.

What content can be expected with LANGUAGE EDUCATORS ASSEMBLE

For a start, I will be writing articles regularly on various topics related to language education. Accompanying the articles, we will usually also find recommended readings and related resources. References would also be provided so that we can extend our learning through other readings. In the pipeline, I also hope to grow a repository of resources alongside the articles to support each and every one of us better.

In your own exploration, you might have come across proponents of specific language teaching/learning approaches, having found success with those approaches. However, this website does not adhere to any one specific method or approach as the universal gold standard, as methods/approaches that may have worked for learners in specific contexts may not necessarily work in another. I will also not assume that all learners are the same – where various factors such as age, aspirations, motivations, dispositions, and skills are similar. As such, I strongly believe that language educators will benefit from a wider range of perspectives and contextualise for the specific group of learners with whom they are working.
At this present moment, LANGUAGE EDUCATORS ASSEMBLE is more than one year old! In addition, I have curated more than 50 insightful articles and a number of resource pages for all of us. I will persevere to research and write so that I can support you in your journey as a language educator. Do drop me a comment or suggestion too, on topics or questions that you may have.

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There is no end to learning. As language educators, we are committed in seeking to enhance our knowledge and expand our repertoire, so that our learners can benefit from the best practices informed by research. Wherever you may be on your journey as a language educator, this website aspires to be your hub of inspiration and enlightenment.


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